Moniquill Blackgoose is a Nebula Award-winning science fiction author, acclaimed for her bestselling novel To Shape a Dragon’s Breath, the first in the now highly anticipated Nampeshiweisit series. An enrolled member of the Seaconke Wampanoag Tribe and a lineal descendant of Ousamequin Massasoit, Moniquill began writing science fiction and fantasy at the age of twelve. She brings to life unique and diverse narratives, blending indigenous culture with rich fantasy elements. Her debut novel has earned acclaim, winning the Andre Norton Nebula Award for Middle Grade and Young Adult Fiction.

As well as writing award winning novels, Moniquill is a prolific Tumblr user and you can enjoy "Moniquill Unplugged" at

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To Shape a Dragon's Breath

To Shape a Dragon's Breath cover. Featuring an emblem of a red dragon's head holding a branch with two flowers on it on either end. An occult-like symbol is in the background, overload on shapes of treetops below and stars above.
On the remote island of Masquapaug, dragons have been absent for generations—until fifteen-year-old Anequs discovers a dragon’s egg and bonds with its hatchling. Her community rejoices, recalling the ancient tales of dragons that once brought prosperity and protection. Revered as Nampeshiweisit, Anequs’s newfound status comes with significant challenges.

The Anglish colonizers, who have specific beliefs about dragon rearing, reluctantly permit Anequs to attend a prestigious dragon academy on the mainland. Facing both academic and social hurdles, Anequs must navigate a world that does not understand her heritage or her bond with the dragon. Determined and resourceful, she refuses to conform to the expectations of the colonizers, knowing that failure could mean the death of her dragon.

This compelling coming-of-age story intertwines rich cultural heritage with the timeless allure of dragons. Celebrated for its intricate world-building and powerful themes, To Shape a Dragon’s Breath has earned acclaim and won the highly esteemed Andre Norton Nebula Award for Middle Grade and Young Adult Fiction.
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